403-327-6393 [email protected]

Lethbridge City Mixed League Rules (2022)


  1. No alcohol whatsoever can be brought to the Softball Valley complex. Teams caught bringing alcohol to the complex will result in the team being suspended from the facility for the rest of the season. LCML will not refund any monies to teams suspended from the facility. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the playing field. This also includes while you are umpiring or coaching.
  2. Player eligibility:
    • ‘B, C, D, E’ Division may have only (2) members that play ‘A’ Mixed Ball on the field at one time.
    • Players in the LCML may play for 2 different teams within the league. Players may not play for 2 teams in the same division.
    • Teams may have up to 4 players that play on other teams in the league, but only 2 players may be from any one team.
  1. Game times are 6:15 pm and 7:35 pm. There will be NO GRACE PERIOD. No new inning will start after the sound of the horn (1 hour, 10 min), regardless of when your game started.
  2. We will be using the big ball, small ball format with females being pitched the small ball. Home team will supply 1 big ball, and 1 small ball before each game and one set of “used” balls.
  3. Strike mats are provided. It is the home team’s responsibility to be sure the mat is returned to the dugout at the end of the night.
  4. At the start of the game, the minimum number of players to constitute a team will be eight (8) players including a minimum of (4) women. The team must forfeit an out for each player missing in the batting order. The team must designate which spots will be outs at the start of the game and late players may only enter in these spots. If a team is unable to meet these requirements the game is a forfeit. Any team having more than 2 nights of forfeits will need to pay $100.00 to re-establish their team as being in “good standing”. The team will not be allowed to play any more games until these forfeit fees are in place and this may also affect entry in following seasons. All ‘A’ Division Teams forfeiting a game night must pay the umpiring fee as well.
  5. ‘A’ Division will have carded umpires. ‘B, C, D, E’ Divisions will umpire their own games.  Be respectful and demonstrate sportsmanship. IN ‘B, C, D, E’ DIVISIONS, IF THERE IS A DISCREPANCY, HAVE SOMEONE COME FROM ANOTHER DIAMOND TO HELP OUT. An un-biased observer will make things better for everyone.
  6. Commitment line and scoring line are in effect. Runners must cross the scoring line at home. If the runner touched the strike mat or home plate, the runner will be declared OUT. All plays at home are force plays.
  7. To be eligible to play in the playoffs, players must have played a minimum of eight (8) regular season games with the Mixed team that they are playing playoffs with. Their name must also be on the roster submitted on the NSA website.
  8. A team may use twelve (12) batters as long as there is a minimum of five (5) females. Any ten (10) of these twelve (12) players may substitute in and out defensively as many times as they want, as long as there are a minimum of four (4) females on the field. No more than 2 guys can bat in a row.
  9. Each team must have a male/female pitcher/catcher combination (NSA Rule 4 Sec 1. Rule 4f –Player and substitutions 6 & 4 COED).
  10. Pitchers must wear an approved protective face mask when pitching. Face masks are to be worn properly.
  11. Game winners must submit the score using the form on our website. In the event of a tie game, the home team will input the score. All scores will be posted on the schedule on the website each week. Please check to make sure your game scores are on there and if not please submit them again. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ALL THE TEAMS TO ENSURE THEIR SCORES AND RECORDS ARE CORRECT.
  12. Anytime a male batter is walked and is followed by a female in the batting order, he is automatically awarded second base. The female must bat.
  13. SPORTSMANSHIP/CODE OF CONDUCT: Teams are responsible to ensure that all their members adhere to the “Code of Conduct” and act in an acceptable manner.
    • Physical or extreme verbal abuse will not be tolerated and will be an automatic ejection from the game, and Softball Valley, and possible suspension of player(s) and/or team.
  1. Run limit: Divisions B-E have a 7 run limit per inning. 7th inning is open. ‘A’ division has no run limit per inning.
  2. Mercy Rule: Teams ahead by ten (10) runs or more after four and a half (4½) innings if home, or five (5) innings if visitors, will be declared the winner.
  3. The home run limit is five (5) and one up (as per NSA Sec 10. Rule 5). The one up rule is in effect only after both teams have reached their home run limit.
  4. Positions 7, 8, 9, and 10 (all outfield positions) cannot throw a base runner out at first base from the outfield. However if a team chooses to play a “5 man infield” the 5th infielder is eligible to make any throw.
  5. Bats certified and on the approved list for USSSA and ASA will be allowed. Bats on the non-approved bat list will not be allowed for play. *It is the responsibility of all players to know whether their bat has been altered or is on the non-approved bat list. Bats must be 34 inches in length. Bats cannot exceed the 1.20 BPF standard. All bats used at Softball Valley will be tested and will need to have the current year sticker (Stickers will be affixed by Softball Valley and only stickered bats will be accepted in all Softball Valley Leagues (Mens, Ladies, Mixed) and League Tourneys). Bats may be re-tested during the season.
    • Effect: the batter is out and ejected from the game if he/she enters the batter’s box with a non-approved bat.
  1. Bunting for females is allowed in ‘A’ Division only.
  2. 3 courtesy runners per team per game. Runner must be the same gender and can be from any position in the lineup. If a runner is on base when their turn to bat comes up, they will need to be substituted out of the batting lineup or considered as an OUT.
  3. Unless otherwise stated all NSA rules apply.

NOTE:  The team manager is responsible for their team and its players.  If for any reason a team is removed from the league, the team manager may not be allowed to play in any other Division or League at Softball Valley.